Cookie Compliance banner features:
- Site visitors are given three (3) equal choices that represent different configurations of consent.
- The goal of this 3-choice architecture is to eliminate the dark pattern of imbalanced choice between “Accept” and “Reject”.
- Site visitors can set the Duration of their consent directly in the interaction with the banner
- This is now being proposed under several current and draft laws, and we’re making it available now to remain ahead of these future requirements.
- Site visitors can view examples of the Data Types collected and shared under each Purpose Category in the Consent Preferences section of the banner
- This aligns with the “informed” principle under GDPR, and gives visitors more context regarding their data sharing permissions
- Site visitors can view a list of blocked / allowed 3rd parties based on their Data Access Level in the Privacy Metrics section of the banner
- This is an active requirement in some EU jurisdictions, as well as a proposed requirement in upcoming legislation
- Site visitors can have access to Data Controller information in the Privacy Contact of the banner
- This is an active requirement in some EU jurisdictions, as well as a proposed requirement in upcoming legislation
Why “Data Access Levels”?
Data Access Levels fundamentally change the consent experience by motivating people to understand and control the level of data access they give to your website. We believe that when people understand their data privacy and consent choices, and the consequences of those choices, they can control who can access which data for what purposes. Consent becomes less of a binary decision based in fear or frustration, and more of an informed decision based on a person’s relationship with the business behind the website.
3-choice architecture
By default we recommend using Precious Metals to represent the three Data Access Levels for the following reasons:
- Familiarity: People are familiar with these terms in other contexts, such as credit cards and airline rewards programs
- Power Dynamic: These terms change the power dynamic by asking people to issue a level of access based on how much they trust your business
- Recognition: People will see similar consent experiences across multiple websites over time, and using these unique terms makes it easier to establish a recognizable standard
Even though we believe Precious Metals is the right approach you’re given a choice to name the 3 levels in a more conventional way, for example:
- “Private” “Balanced” “Personalised”
- “Reject All” “Accept Some” “Accept All”
The Intentional Consent framework + Privacy Experience introduced in the latest version of Cookie Compliance is designed to demonstrate an evolved form of consent that explicitly targets the “dark patterns” in data collection. We are methodically introducing this new solution to market with the support of government bodies, standards organizations, and Fortune 500 companies, who believe that the imbalanced relationship between consumers and corporations has reached a tipping point when it comes to privacy and consent online. We hope to have your support in this endeavor as well, and look forward to building a more sustainable future together.